Aubrey & Cory. Downtown Redlands Engagement. Redlands, CA
ALRRIIGHHTTT. So real tea. This ain’t an engagement shoot! HAHA, but I mean, SEO right? SOO. Aubrey and Corey. So, here’s the real story, I met Aubrey through Kaitlin who’s known her since they were kids. Aubrey is like family to Kaitlin, so I definitely see her around. We needed some content for the website and behind the scenes stuff and we needed a couple to shoot. And BOOM, Aubrey posted her New Years photo, and I was like SHIIITTTT, they cute together. And here we are! HAHA! We started our shoot with them at an Ice Cream Shop in Downtown Redlands called A La Minute. And forced them to get cones, cuz I mean, it’s cuter. Went on top on a parking garage and went to town! It was drizzling a little bit, but these guys were seriously such troopers! Such a fun day!

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